em00 positions: 1st - Middle of the map 2nd - In the west gate (one of the gates with the spike traps) (always turns into cephalo) 3rd - To the east in the middle, just south of a time bonus 4th - To the east of the middle, on top of the catwalks near a time bonus 5th - To the far northeast, right next to a combo chest 6th - Far north, on the bridge to the west 7th - To the west, near the small circular hut 10th - In the middle gate (one of the gates with the spike traps) 11th - To the east? em01 - only spawns at southern region -enemy with spear turns into flying -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into flying em02 - only spawns at southern region -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into flying -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into flying em03 - only spawns at northern region -enemy with bow turns into flying em04 - only spawns at northern region -enemy with bow turns into flying -enemy with bow turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with bow turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with no weapon turns into cephalo -enemy with bow turns into flying -enemy with bow turns into cephalo em05 - only spawns at southern region -enemy with spear turns into cephalo -enemy with spear turns into cephalo