(based on uPl00ChrisNormal - pl0000.ahc) 00 00 34 42 - mFov(many occurances) 00 00 48 C2 00 00 72 43 02 00 88 C2 (3 occurances) 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 42 00 00 FA 42 (3 occurances) mFov: "34 42" seems to be a common value for the FoV. Tweaking the "34" seems to be enough to drastically change the FOV. Change it 77 and it zooms further out so you see almost the entire character. TRANS_DEFAULT (default camera when moving around with a gun) the 3 FOV variables for TRANS_DEFAULT 00 00 34 42 (controls FOV for looking down?) 00 00 2A 42 (controls normal FOV) 00 00 34 42 (controls FOV for looking up?) TRANS_THROW (default camera when moving around with any item) READY_DEFAULT (default camera when aiming a gun) READY_THROW (default camera when aiming a grenade) TRANS_MADMAX (camera for moving around with the hydra) READY_MADMAX (camera for aiming with the hydra) There's many different array object definitions in these files. They are usually like this "03 04 0B" with the next one being similar but with the second value ticking with one. Make sure to NOT change those when editing the file, otherwise you can't really know which values are being referenced by the game for which objects.